Iron County
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Iron County

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Staff List: Sheriff Department
Staff Name Staff Position Phone Number Email
Foryan,  Matthew Lieutenant 715-561-3800
Samardich,  Paul Sheriff 715-561-3800
Baker,  Matthew Road Officer 715-561-3800
Colassaco,  Jacob Road Officer 715-561-3800
Dahlbacka,  Logan Road Officer 715-561-3800
Gwyn,  Jonathan Jailer / Dispatcher 715-561-3800
Hitter,  Jerry Jailer / Dispatcher 715-561-3800
Hoffmeister,  Quentin Jailer / Dispatcher 715-561-3800
Kirtland,  Carrie Administrative Assistant 715-561-3800
Kuklenski,  Scott Jail Lieutenant 715-561-3800
Kussard,  Samantha Jailer Sergeant 715-561-3800
Mass,  Cory Road Officer 715-561-3800
Mullen,  Tiffany Jailer/Dispatcher 715-561-3800
Randall,  Michael Road Sergeant 715-561-3800
Schellinger,  Tom Jailer / Dispatcher 715-561-3800
Snow,  Eric Road Officer 715-561-3800
Wick,  Michael Road Officer 715-561-3800
Wozniak,  Luke Recreation Officer 715-561-3800
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